Monday, February 24, 2020

Commercial Analysis


Puppymonkeybaby is a 2016 Super Bowl commercial that was used in order to launch Kickstart, a beverage line under the company Mountain Dew. However, despite trying so hard to gain appeal, it only seemed to gain confusion from its audience. In this commercial, Mountain Dew seems to have taken inspiration from the spontaneous and random feel of early Old Spice advertisements. However, in their attempt to copy the structure that made Old Spice so iconic and recognizable, they seemed to have taken it too far in the process. They have crossed the line between pleasantly odd to downright confusing and aimless. Also, in the commercial Kickstart seemed to be trying to create their own mascot for the drink line by massing up parts of a baby, a pug, and a monkey. Arguably they are all cute characters in their own right. However, in the pursuit of creating a cute and recognizable character like many businesses have before, the amalgamation Puppymonkeybaby caused many people in the audience to be turned off by the hideous creature. The uncanny way the animal moves and looks is uncomfortable, making it both difficult to watch and turn away from. Yet despite its original release being negatively reviewed by the public, the commercial became a hot topic for a while after the Super Bowl. Perhaps the saying “No press is bad press,” holds some merit to this strange commercial. The question is, did this bizarre commercial do any good for the company, or was this a flash in the pants stunt that did little to affect sales?

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