- Includes a heading with the author's full name, teacher of class, course name, and date of paper on the upper left hand corner of the first page.
- When quotations are more than 4 lines long, the author must indent them by five spaces.
- When numbering the pages in the upper right hand corner, the author adds their last name before the number.
- For direct in-text quotes, MLA uses the authors last name and the page number the information is founded on. Ex: “(Donaldson 210)”.
- For indirect in-text quotes, MLA states the cited author's name followed by the information, and in parentheses the number the page the information was found on. Ex: “According to historian Zachary Karabell, they were ‘notable only for taking place, not for any specific message’ (244).”
- On the center of the first page is the title of the paper, full name of the author, and the author’s school.
- Separate page for the title and name of author.
- On the upper left hand corner of each page is the title of the paper.
- When quotations are more than 40 words long, the author must indent the lines by 5-7 spaces.
- When numbering the pages in the upper right hand corner, they only write down the number of the page.
- Before the paper, the author adds an “Abstract”, which is a 120 words or less summary of the paper.
- For direct in-text quotes, APA states the cited author’s last name followed by the year of the work and the page it was founded on. Ex: “(Sapolsky, 2001-2002, p.18)”
- Both include the number of the page on the upper right hand corner on each separate page.
- Both have tiles on the top center on their papers (MLA on the first page, APA after the Abstract)
- Both include a very own section dedicated to siting their sources at the very end of the paper.
- Both are double-spaces throughout the paper.
- Both have one inch margins.
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