Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Insider Guide Chapter

1. What are the 3-5 most important things that you learned from the chapter?
  • All academics use observation for their various different types and methods of research 
  • For each academic field, there is a certain standard of writing that one must uphold using rhetoric tools. Various situations call to write in various ways. These types of writing are called genres
  • When analyzing a written piece, think about many things such as rhetorical context, persuasive strategies, genre, etc. 

2.     What are some specific tools the writers offer to analyze disciplinary writings?
  • Make sure to understand the rhetorical context for the specific piece you are reading about. For example, think about who the audience is, who the author is, the purpose of this paper, etc. 
  • If an author is arguing for a certain idea/thought/belief, think about and find the different persuasive strategies they might be using. For example, what assumptions are they making, what are the exact claims they are making, etc. 
  • In a written piece, find the genre and understand the writing style (conventions or expectations) it might have 

3.     Analyze the press release and the excerpt from an academic journal article using the tools this chapter offers. (SLR and AATP)
  • In a press release, the writer must understand that the audience of the writing will often have little to no background on the certain subject. They were able to focus on these findings and its importance as simplistically as they could for the audience without it being too long winded.
  • Many of the information is given in a matter-of-fact way, which is very much expected from an analytical paper about science. All of it is very technical and very specific as to not be confusing or vague. 
  • They started with a question to try and grab the audience's attention, which is needed if the audience does not come from a very science invested background.

4.     How effective do you think the writers are in presenting their findings? What do you think about the appropriateness of the language and structure in these two samples? Explain briefly.
 I find that they did a good job considering the complex information they were trying to convey. They were very consistently written, being both technical and very straightforward in the way they were giving information. As well, they simplified it as best they could to a broad audience.

Tuesday, January 28, 2020


  1. Includes a heading with the author's full name, teacher of class, course name, and date of paper on the upper left hand corner of the first page.
  2. When quotations are more than 4 lines long, the author must indent them by five spaces.
  3. When numbering the pages in the upper right hand corner, the author adds their last name before the number.
  4. For direct in-text quotes, MLA uses the authors last name and the page number the information is founded on. Ex: “(Donaldson 210)”.
  5. For indirect in-text quotes, MLA states the cited author's name followed by the information, and in parentheses the number the page the information was found on. Ex: “According to historian Zachary Karabell, they were ‘notable only for taking place, not for any specific message’ (244).”

  1. On the center of the first page is the title of the paper, full name of the author, and the author’s school.
  2. Separate page for the title and name of author.
  3. On the upper left hand corner of each page is the title of the paper.
  4. When quotations are more than 40 words long, the author must indent the lines by 5-7 spaces.
  5. When numbering the pages in the upper right hand corner, they only write down the number of the page. 
  6. Before the paper, the author adds an “Abstract”, which is a 120 words or less summary of the paper.
  7. For direct in-text quotes, APA states the cited author’s last name followed by the year of the work and the page it was founded on. Ex: “(Sapolsky, 2001-2002, p.18)”

  1. Both include the number of the page on the upper right hand corner on each separate page. 
  2. Both have tiles on the top center on their papers (MLA on the first page, APA after the Abstract)
  3. Both include a very own section dedicated to siting their sources at the very end of the paper. 
  4. Both are double-spaces throughout the paper.
  5. Both have one inch margins.

What is Rhetoric?

Rhetoric is a persuasive form of writing or speech, using literary devices, pathos/ethos/logos, through language use, with an underlying theme that you want your audience to act on or towards. We chose to analyze the Gettysburg Address which is a persuasive speech from Abe Lincoln in 1863 for people to rally together the people of America. By: Ryan Nelson, Paige Terronez, and Sierra Mathews

Acedemic vs. Non-Acedemic

Academic writing is a piece of literature that is rhetorical, used for academic purposes such as helping teachers, usually concise, strongly credible, and very formal. Non-Academic is a source for the general public that is informal and more entertainment. An academic source is "Chapter 3: Augustus, Power, Authority, Achievement" and it is an academic source because it uses factual evidence to persuade an audience through a historical opinion. A non-academic source is rolling Stones "They Joy and Heartbreak of Cheer" because it is for entertainment and address a large  audience. The last source is Playboy magazine is most definitely not an academic source as it applies to a large audience and is purely for entertainment.

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First Major Assignment Paragraph

Our first major writing assignment is to create a formal analytical report on the intended field we wish to pursue. In my case, this would be exploring various academic and non-academic writings in the graphic design or illustration community. Through our six sources, half being academic and half being non-academic, I will study various styles of writing one would use for writing about illustrations or graphic design. Specifically going into rhetorical elements, such as audience, topic, and purpose, and how it relates to the two-dimensional art world. For example, I could look at an essay that discusses the transformation and different styles of illustrations in advertisements throughout the years and see how the author’s chose to write about it. This report is all about creating a condensed place of information about the writings in my intended field to others that are considering going into the same field.

1. If I were to do the optional interview section, how close would the professional I am interviewing have to be in my field? For example, if I intend to go into illustration, could I interview my design teacher?

2. If we were to do the interview, can that considered one of the three non-academic sources we need?

3. What is considered academic? What is considered non-academic?

Monday, January 27, 2020

Diagnostic Writing

Writing is a quintessential skill in human life, from homework to work assignments to everyday communication like texting. I find that one of my strengths as a writer is being able to write in a creative manner. To me, my word choice is very solid  and I find that I have an interesting way of constructing sentences that make what I write intriguing to the viewer. However, one of my biggest shortcomings in writing would be my many grammar and spelling mistakes. When re-reading my drafts, there are often over-worded sentences with too many run-ons that are littered with simple grammar missteps. As well, I have a grave issue with writing in a passive tone irregularly throughout my essays. To improve my technical writing is an ongoing goal that I strive to meet, but often come up short. I hope that with every english or writing class that I am able to better this skill, even if it is little by little. Another skill I wish to improve during this semester course is being able to write more professionally. I worry that my writing may come of as too casual and not at the college level it should be. I fear that any analytical paper I construct will be not up to par with the professionalism it needs to be. Hopefully, through this semester, I can improve in these areas and in other aspects of writing.

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

When I was in high school, I had to create a persuasive essay in my senior English class. The paper could be about anything we desired as long as we when persuading the audience on a certain stance. Considering my love for the arts, I wanted to write about how Michelangelo was the best example of a Renaissance man.While researching for this assignment, I enjoyed how descriptive certain writers talked about Michelangelo’s works. Art is a very visual medium at times, especially sculpture, and it is hard to explain how a piece looks and capture its essence to an outsider that has never seen it. In many of the essay lies and papers I found, I was impressed by how the writers were able to describe the art pieces in such an interesting and captivating way, truly bring justice to the art.

My First Post

Welcome to my blog, we’re I will put my ramblings. Your welcome to read the writings of a a lowly college student.